
"Do you still not know what a murder mystery game is in 2022? Well, today the playwright is here to talk about what a murder mystery game is."

Before we talk about what a murder mystery game is, let's review a game called "playing house". I believe most of you have played "playing house" before. In "playing house", you group together in threes or twos, each taking on a role and play out an idol drama or a suspense drama, improvising the dialogues. Some may say that a murder mystery game is the "adult version of playing house". This statement is not wrong. They do have many similarities: there is a plot, there are characters, and it requires several people to act together. However, at a deeper level, they are different; otherwise, there wouldn't be so many young people playing murder mystery games.

Murder mystery game players at the first scene

So, what are the differences between a murder mystery game and "playing house"?

Firstly, the script. When playing "playing house", there is usually no script; it starts with a simple summary, and the rest is up to you. The quality of the plot is uncontrollable. Adults don't have that much time to create a script or think of dialogues. So, the stores directly provide scripts. There are different kinds of scripts, such as emotional scripts (for those who like crying), detective scripts (for those who like playing a great detective), horror scripts (for the bold), and so on. You just need to choose a script, and the store will help you form a group. Then, according to the lines and hints in the script, you can unleash your acting instincts.

Second, the reasoning process. The interesting part of a murder mystery game is that the script is not shown all at once from beginning to end for you to perform. Instead, each person can only get their character's part of the script, which means that no one knows the whole story. You have to guess, piece together, and finally reconstruct the story from different clues and fragments. It requires a reasoning process. Some people get completely off track while guessing, such as "the good person being accused of being the culprit" or "being sold and still counting the money for others". It is a very brain-burning process.

Players asking each other and reasoning based on their own scripts (image source: internet)

Third, guidance. As mentioned earlier, a complete script relies on reasoning, so someone needs to guide the game to make it work. Therefore, the murder mystery game has a position specifically for guiding the players, known as the "DM" (Dungeon Master). The DM is responsible for guiding the entire process, controlling the music, and so on. Don't underestimate this position; an excellent DM can directly influence the reputation of the store. Some players come specifically for the DM, as everyone likes a humorous, atmospheric, and good guide who can engage them in the game.

Fourth, the murder mystery game pays special attention to immersion and atmosphere. For example, if it's an ancient script, then the venue you play in must have an ancient style. The necessary props for the roles, such as costumes, weapons, and clearance cards, will be provided. In short, it is made to immerse you in the world of the script as much as possible.

Last but not least, socializing. Why do we say that it has a socializing aspect? Firstly, there is group formation: you can form a group with friends, but most of the time, the store forms the groups. Each game consists of approximately 6-8 players, and if you play multiple rounds, you can get to know dozens of new friends. Secondly, the duration of the game is generally 3-4 hours, which is a long time spent in a closed space. Moreover, the characters are interconnected, and there is face-to-face interaction. It is hard not to get familiar with each other. Further contact is also convenient; the store usually creates a group chat so that everyone can communicate further after the game, whether in the group chat or privately. Social bonding is strong. The playwright has seen murder mystery games sparking romantic connections, and many stores are attracted to this aspect and offer murder mystery games.

Players are generally made up of both genders

So, it's not difficult to understand what a murder mystery game is. The core is to play with a script: a group of people gather around a script, act, and recreate the story. The process is brain-burning and multi-faceted. The current popularity of murder mystery games has far surpassed that of KTV, escape rooms, and Werewolf games. It is the "new favorite of socializing" for the new generation, and its development is unstoppable.