italy是什么意思 ltaly怎么念英语

I - 我

I pronounce as "aɪ", which stands for the first-person singular pronoun.

Ice - 冰

It is a noun that denotes a very cold substance.

Ice-cream - 冰淇淋

This is a sweetened and often frozen food made of dairy products.

Iceland - 冰岛

A country situated mostly on the northwestern coast of Europe, and surrounded by water.

Idea - 主意,意见,打算,想法

This is a thought or concept that has occurred to someone.

Identification - 鉴定,辨别

The process of recognizing or determining the identity of something.

Identity - 身份,特征

The state of being a particular person or thing; the characteristics that make someone or something unique.

Idiom - 习语,成语

A phrase or expression that is typical of a particular language or culture.

If - 如果

A conditional conjunction used in sentences to introduce a condition or assumption.

Ignore - 忽视,对...不理会

To disregard or pay no attention to someone or something.

Ill - 有病的;不健康的
