fill的过去式 fill的过去式和过去分词是什么





Once there was a great teacher, and he had many students.【译】从前有一位伟大的老师,他有许多学生。【单词】【解释】teacher - 老师;students - 学生(student的复数形式)。

有一天,一个学生来找他,问道:“我读了很多书,但大部分都忘了。”【译】The student asked the teacher, "I have read a lot of books, but I have forgotten most of them." 【短语】most of... - 大部分;大多数的;绝大多数;例句:Most of the students in the class are girls.(这个班的大部分学生是女孩。)

“读书的目的是什么?”老师反问道。【译】"What is the purpose of reading?" the teacher asked in return. 【单词】purpose - 目的;决心;意图。

老师当时没有立即回答他。【译】The teacher did not immediately answer him at that time. 【短语】at that time - 当时。

几天后,老师给了那个学生一个筛子,那个筛子脏兮兮的,状况很差。【译】A few days later, the teacher gave the student a dirty and poor-conditioned sieve. 【短语】a few days later - 几天后;脏兮兮的 - dirty;状况很差 - poor-conditioned(或in poor condition)。

老师让那个学生用这把筛子去河边取水。【译】The teacher asked the student to go to the nearby river and fetch water using the sieve. 【单词】fetch - 取来;卖得;给(某人)一击;河水 - river.

他走到河边,用筛子装满了水,但走了几步后,筛子里的水都从洞里排了出来。【译】He walked to the river, filled the sieve with water, but after walking a few steps, the water in the sieve drained out through the holes. 【单词】drained - ;排干;喝光;耗尽;洞 - hole.

然后他又来到河边装满筛子。【译】Then he went back to the river and filled the sieve again. 【短语】then - 然后;之后;again - 再次。

他一整天都在做这件事,但没有完成老师交给他的任务。【译】He spent the whole day doing this, but failed to complete the task assigned by his teacher. 【单词】task - 任务;工作;assign - 分配;指定;指派;确定。

他带着满脸愁容回到老师那里,说:“我不能用这个筛子打水。”【译】He returned to the teacher with a sad face and said, "I can't fetch water with this sieve." 【短语】with a sad face - 满脸愁容;不能用 - can't;打水 - fetch water.

老师看着他微笑。【译】The teacher smiled at him. 【短语】looking at him - 看着他;微笑 - smiled.