
Hey there, my friends! Today I am going to talk about the English words for the 12 months of the year, also known as holidays. As we all know, each month has its own unique holidays and traditions, and learning the English words for these holidays can help us better understand and appreciate the cultures and customs of English-speaking countries.


January is the first month of the year and is often associated with New Year's Day. The English word for this holiday is "New Year's Day," which is a time for new beginnings and fresh starts. It is a time for people to make resolutions and set goals for the year ahead. Many people also celebrate with parties, fireworks, and other festivities.


March is the month of St. Patrick's Day, which is a cultural and religious holiday celebrated on the 17th of March. The English word for this holiday is "St. Patrick's Day," and it is often associated with the color green, shamrocks, and leprechauns. People around the world celebrate St. Patrick's Day with parades, parties, and the wearing of green clothing.


May is the month of Mother's Day, which is a day to honor and celebrate mothers and motherhood. The English word for this holiday is "Mother's Day," and it is a time for people to show their appreciation for their mothers with cards, flowers, and gifts. Many people also celebrate by taking their mothers out to lunch or dinner.


July is the month of Independence Day in the United States, which is celebrated on the 4th of July. The English word for this holiday is "Independence Day," and it is a time for Americans to celebrate the anniversary of the country's independence from Great Britain. People celebrate with fireworks, parades, barbecues, and other patriotic activities.


September is the month of Labor Day, which is a public holiday in the United States and other countries. The English word for this holiday is "Labor Day," and it is a time to honor the contributions of workers and the labor movement. Many people celebrate by taking a day off from work and enjoying the unofficial end of summer with picnics, barbecues, and other outdoor activities.


December is the month of Christmas, which is a religious and cultural holiday celebrated by Christians around the world. The English word for this holiday is "Christmas," and it is a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. People celebrate with decorations, gift-giving, feasting, and other traditions such as caroling and the exchange of Christmas cards.

1. 与假期相关的英语习语

When it comes to holidays, there are many English idioms and expressions that are commonly used. For example, "holiday spirit" refers to the feeling of joy and generosity that is often associated with holidays. Another example is "holiday blues," which refers to feelings of sadness or depression that some people experience during the holiday season. Learning these English idioms can help you better understand and communicate about holidays in English-speaking countries.


Many people may wonder how to continue learning English during the holidays when they may be busy with celebrations and travel. One way to do this is to set aside a small amount of time each day for English practice, even if it's just 15-30 minutes. You can also incorporate English into your holiday activities, such as by listening to English Christmas carols or watching English-language holiday movies. This can help you maintain your English skills while still enjoying the holiday season.


If you are planning to travel to an English-speaking country during the holidays, it can be helpful to learn some useful English phrases for travel. This can include basic phrases for communicating with hotel staff, asking for directions, ordering food at restaurants, and making small talk with locals. By being prepared with these English phrases, you can have a more enjoyable and stress-free holiday travel experience.

In conclusion, I hope this article has given you a deeper understanding of the English words for the 12 months of the year and how they are celebrated in English-speaking countries. Whether you are learning English as a second language or simply want to learn more about different holiday traditions, I encourage you to continue exploring and learning about the diverse cultures and customs around the world. Happy holidays, and I look forward to delving deeper into these topics with you in the future!