
The global energy problem is tied to a substance called "ice," which is flammable ice.

Why can ice burn? Because the composition of this ice is not water, but natural gas, simply put, it is ice formed from natural gas.

Flammable ice

Flammable ice is a solid substance similar to compressed natural gas, and a standard volume of flammable ice is equivalent to 164 cubic meters of natural gas.

However, such flammable ice is not easily obtained. It is hidden in very deep places.

Platform for extracting flammable ice

Flammable ice, like natural gas, consists mainly of methane. It is just that flammable ice is another form of methane - clathrate.

Like natural gas and oil, it is stored in the Earth's crust, but it exists in the deep layers of the Earth's crust because of high pressure, low temperature, and encountering water, forming a solid substance with the same appearance as ice.

Therefore, flammable ice, scientifically known as natural gas hydrate, is a special form of natural gas that can burn, with the main product of combustion being carbon dioxide.

Structure of flammable ice

Due to the stringent conditions for its formation, flammable ice exists in the deep sea of the coastal continental shelf, deep oceans, and even in the depths of some lakes.

The precursor of flammable ice is various living organisms, buried in the Earth's crust after mass extinction events. The organic matter formed methane over the years and months.

Generally speaking, the presence of flammable ice overlaps with the locations of natural gas and oil. It's just that oil and natural gas are in the upper layer, and it's in the lower layer.

According to the formation conditions, it is theoretically supposed to have the most flammable ice in the North and South Poles. Unfortunately, human research on flammable ice has not been as extensive as traditional fossil fuels, and the flammable ice in the North and South Poles is still in an unknown state to this day.

Flammable ice preserved at high pressure and low temperature

In addition to the Earth, flammable ice is also widely believed to exist in the universe, with just flammable ice in the solar system alone.

Many people believe that comets contain flammable ice, so when they come into friction with the atmosphere, they burn. This is also why it is difficult to find residual meteorites when comets come to Earth, because the main components of comets are ice and various gases.

There is a moon in the solar system called Titan, also known as "Saturn VI", with its main components being methane and water. It has an atmosphere, and the atmospheric pressure is 1.5 times that of Earth.

There is believed to be flammable ice on Titan

Astronomers believe that there is a lot of flammable ice on Titan, and they form the foundation of this planet.

1 cubic meter of flammable ice can release 164 cubic meters of natural gas from within, so it is a concentrated essence.

Why can't flammable ice shake the status of traditional fossil energy? The biggest reason is that the difficulty of extracting flammable ice is too great!

Natural gas

The places where flammable ice exists are very tricky—either in the coastal continental shelves where the land meets the ocean, in the deep ocean, or even in the polar regions covered with glaciers.

The first step in extracting flammable ice is to find it, a survey is needed. In the case of shallow natural gas, there is no need to search for it because sometimes it can leak by itself.

Flammable ice is hidden in very deep places, and it requires sending deep-sea detectors to the seafloor to look for it.

This step alone has stumped many countries because not every country has deep-sea detectors that can be used. Currently, every country that has found flammable ice in the world has invariably mastered deep-sea diving equipment.

Deep-sea flammable ice

The second step is to retrieve samples and analyze them. Flammable ice is not a pure substance; it can be mixed with various substances, some of which are not needed by humans.

What we see of flammable ice on television has already been refined, so it looks relatively clean, much like solid alcohol in a restaurant.

In reality, freshly extracted flammable ice looks dirty, like dirty ice blocks muddled with a lot of soil.

After analysis, the specific reserves of flammable ice can be determined, and the total amount of flammable ice in one's country can be estimated.

Survey of flammable ice

The third step is to start extracting, a process that is also very difficult, much more difficult than any other energy source, because it cannot be transported by pipeline like oil and natural gas, nor can it be transported by conveyor belt like coal.

Flammable ice is difficult to store</span, because it is a solid of water and natural gas formed under high pressure and low temperature, and if the pressure decreases and the temperature rises, the structure of the clathrate will be destroyed, then the natural gas will escape, and the flammable ice will also "melt".

Therefore, during the extraction process, it is necessary to ensure that there are no drastic changes in pressure and temperature, but regardless of how the extraction is done, there will always be loss in the process.























