
Hello everyone, this is the Tips for Creative Living.

If there's only a little bit of ink on your hands, you can try this method. Carefully apply balm on the area with ink stains, wipe it gently, then wipe it off with a wet tissue. If it's not clean in one go, you can try the same method a few more times. This method is gentle on the hands.

The smell of alcohol can be a bit sharp, if your hands are stained with ink, you can dip a cotton swab in a little alcohol, then wipe it, and finally wash it repeatedly with soapy water to slowly get rid of it.

Makeup remover, makeup remover water, these things are essential for women at home, and sometimes they can work wonders, such as using them to remove ink stains from your hands.

If there's expired milk at home, it's not wasted, it can also solve the trouble at hand. Just pour the milk into a basin, then put your ink-stained hand in it, leave it for a few minutes, and then rinse it with clean water.

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