
Ant Manor Quiz (Day 88): 5 August 2023

Hey everyone, let's dive into today's Ant Manor quiz with Little Chic to expand our knowledge horizons!

Little Chic didn't try to trick us today, as the questions and prompts align with yesterday's interface.

Correct Answer: Humorous gestures and language

Meaning of 'three five'

Correct Answer: Cabbage

Meaning of 'three five'

In Chinese opera, witty jokes and playful actions serve to enhance the atmosphere and bring laughter to the audience. Beyond this theatrical context, the term 'interpolating witticisms' has been extended to refer to general humor and entertainment.

Just as in life, it's not all about the mundane. Moments of mirth and amusement can lighten our spirits and create memorable connections. A dash of verbal humor can foster warmth and leave a lasting impression.

Meaning of 'three five'

In his work 'Morning Flowers, Collected Evenings,' Lu Xun refers to 'collard' (simplified Chinese: 胶菜; pinyin: jiāocài) as cabbages grown in the Jiaozhou region. These cabbages, often tied with red twine around their roots, were commonly displayed for sale hanging upside down outside shops.

Cabbage is abundant in nutrients such as vitamins, carotene, and dietary fiber. Its high water content and low calorie count make it a widely consumed vegetable.

Growing up in the north, cabbage was a staple in our winter diet. Our family planted three to five rows of cabbage in our backyard in the fall. My responsibilities included sowing seeds, covering them with soil, and watering them, while my parents handled the more strenuous tasks. As the small cabbages sprouted closely together, we would thin the rows regularly, using the thinned-out seedlings for soups or stir-fries.

Even today, cabbage remains an essential vegetable in our household. From childhood to adulthood, its versatility never ceases to impress me. Whether stir-fried, stewed, wrapped, or dipped, its every culinary incarnation brings a smile to my face. Just the other night, I savored a delightful cabbage and vermicelli stir-fry, clearing my plate with gusto. Adding some tofu to the mix would have been an equally tantalizing treat!

Meaning of 'three five'

Remember, the early bird catches the daily Ant Manor quiz! If you get it right, your little chick earns 180g of feed; a wrong answer yields only 30g. Taking that extra moment to carefully read the question can truly make a difference. Nurturing Little Chic helps produce eggs that can be donated for a great cause. Plus, each quiz provides opportunities for education and knowledge growth. Jump on the bandwagon and let's embark on this rewarding journey together.

Your insights and experiences are always welcome!