
Land Use Transfer Agreement

Land Use Rights Transfer Agreement

Party A (Transferor): [Name]

Party B (Transferee): [Name]

In accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China and other relevant laws and regulations, after friendly, equal, and voluntary negotiation, Party A and Party B have reached an agreement on the following terms regarding the transfer of land use rights located at [Location] (hereinafter referred to as the Subject Property) from Party A to Party B:

Article 1 Subject Property Information

1. Location: [Location]
2. Land use rights certificate number: [Number]
3. Land area: [Square Meters]
4. Land use: Industrial
5. Use rights type: Obtained through transfer
6. The expiration date of Party A's use of the above national land use rights is [Expiration Date].

Article 2 Transfer of Subject Property

Party A voluntarily transfers the above Subject Property to Party B, and Party B voluntarily accepts the transfer.

Article 3 Transfer Price

Party A and Party B have agreed that the transfer price of the Subject Property shall be RMB [Transfer Price], written in Chinese characters as: [Chinese Character Translation of Transfer Price].

Article 4 Payment of Transfer Price

Party B shall pay a deposit of [Deposit Amount] to Party A on the date of signing this Agreement. The remaining transfer price of [Remaining Transfer Price] shall be paid in accordance with the following [Payment Method]:

1. Party B shall pay the remaining transfer price in full to Party A on or before [Date];
2. Installment payment: Party B shall pay [Partial Payment Amount 1] to Party A on or before [Date 1], [Partial Payment Amount 2] to Party A on or before [Date 2], and the remaining transfer price of [Remaining Balance] to Party A on or before [Date 3].

Article 5 Delivery of Subject Property

The Parties agree that Party A shall deliver the Subject Property to Party B on or before [Delivery Date].

Article 6 Warranty of Title

Party A warrants that the title to the Subject Property is clear, without any title disputes. If any title disputes or debts related to Party A arise, Party A shall be responsible for handling and bearing all liabilities. Party A shall compensate Party B for any economic losses caused to Party B due to such disputes or debts.

Article 7 Registration of Title Transfer

Party A undertakes to cooperate with Party B in completing the registration procedures for the transfer of title to the Subject Property by [Date].

Article 8 Taxes and Fees

The taxes and fees arising from the transfer of the Subject Property shall be borne by the respective Parties in accordance with the relevant regulations of the state and local government departments.

Article 9 Rights and Liabilities

Any rights and liabilities arising prior to the transfer of the Subject Property shall be enjoyed and borne by Party A. Any rights and liabilities arising after the transfer of the Subject Property shall be enjoyed and borne by Party B.

Article 10 Default Responsibility

1. If Party B fails to pay the full transfer price to Party A on time, for each day of delay, Party B shall pay Party A a late penalty of [Late Penalty Percentage]% of the total transfer price. If the delay exceeds [Number of Days], Party A shall also have the right to terminate this Agreement and forfeit the deposit. If Party A terminates this Agreement due to Party B's breach, Party A shall refund the remaining transfer price to Party B, after deducting the deposit, within 10 days of the termination of the Agreement. Party B shall also return the Subject Property to Party A.

2. If Party A fails to deliver the Subject Property to Party B on time, for each day of delay, Party A shall pay Party B a late penalty of [Late Penalty Percentage]% of the total transfer price. If the delay exceeds [Number of Days], Party B shall also have the right to terminate this Agreement. If Party B terminates this Agreement due to Party A's breach, Party A shall refund the transfer price already paid by Party B and pay double the deposit within 10 days of the termination of the Agreement. Party B shall also return the Subject Property to Party A.

3. If either Party commits any other breach of contract, it shall compensate the other Party for the corresponding losses.

Article 11 Dispute Resolution

If a dispute arises between Party A and Party B regarding this Agreement, they shall first attempt to resolve the dispute through consultation. If consultation fails, either Party may file a lawsuit in the people's court with jurisdiction over the location of the Subject Property.

Article 12 Miscellaneous

This Agreement is made in triplicate, with each Party holding one copy and one copy being submitted to the competent authority for recordation. This Agreement shall take effect on the date it is signed and stamped by both Parties and shall have equal legal effect.


Party A: [Party A's Name]

Representative/ID Number: [Representative's Name/ID Number]

Address: [Party A's Address]

Contact Number: [Party A's Contact Number]

Party B: [Party B's Name]

Representative/ID Number: [Representative's Name/ID Number]

Address: [Party B's Address]

Contact Number: [Party B's Contact Number]

Date of Agreement Signing: [Date]