

Dear Dad,

Today, as I found myself amidst the flurry of Father's Day cards at the商场, I invested a considerable amount of time in their perusal.

While each card bore touching sentiments that captured, in part, my own feelings towards you, it dawned upon me that none could fully articulate the complexities of my heart.

As you approach your 84th birthday, we shall have shared 55 Father's Days together. While unforeseen circumstances have occasionally prevented me from spending these special occasions with you, know that my presence has always been with you in spirit, despite the physical distance.

Once upon a time, our relationship was strained by an unbridgeable generation gap. We stood at opposing ends of a divide, separated not only by years but also by experiences, perspectives, fashion, and ideals.

This paternal-daughter duel reached its peak when I challenged your authority regarding the use of your '54 Chevy. Little did I know that the police officer escorting me home that fateful evening would prove both too inexperienced to grasp our complex father-daughter dynamics and too seasoned to extend much empathy to a rebellious 16-year-old.

While your dignified demeanor in the aftermath of this incident was commendable, it only served to underscore the gravity of my actions that night.

However, our relationship experienced a profound transformation when I found a life partner who shared your approval. Subsequently, the arrival of grandchildren cemented the bonds that had once divided us.

In our shared absence of television, we sought entertainment in the joy of creating our family.

I was uncertain of what to expect from you and Mom as grandparents, but my doubts quickly dissipated as I witnessed the unwavering adoration poured upon you by your grandchildren.

Today, when I observe your interactions with them, I recognize the inestimable gift you have bestowed upon them: the gift of your unwavering presence.

Along the way, the generation gap that once separated us faded into oblivion. Now, it is primarily age that distinguishes us.

We have found harmony in our shared perspectives, perhaps having realized the futility of dwelling on minor differences.

Despite this consensus, I must gently suggest that fly fishing has its limitations, notwithstanding your ardent advocacy.

Regardless of your persistent arguments regarding wrist action and stance, I have found solace in my own fishing style, happily drifting along numerous rivers and streams.

Oddly enough, while I have witnessed my own aging process with equanimity, I have been struck by the remarkable absence of aging in you.

Perhaps our relationship has evolved into a timeless bond, like a vintage wine, becoming ever more refined with the passage of time.

Numbers, it seems, hold little significance.














它也不仅仅关乎苤蓝菜、54 年款雪佛兰和飞蝇钓鱼。



