


  成汤在亳建都,涤荡天下之邪气。后来,将夏桀放逐到南巢,解救了受暴虐统治的百姓;至此,商朝江山得以稳固。从开天辟地算起,殷纣王为第三十一任君主,他断送了殷朝的宗脉。纣王祸乱朝纲,弃绝仁义;残害妻儿,听信谗言。他在后宫淫乐无度,宠幸妲己;在虿盆炮烙之刑中,忠贞之士蒙受冤屈。他大肆征敛百姓民脂民膏;宫中时时传出愁怨之声,直达云霄。正直的臣子直言劝谏,却惨遭火焚之刑;孕妇也被残忍剖腹,杀害无辜生命。他亲近奸邪之人,疏远朝政;摒弃护国良臣和祭祀乐师。既不祭祀天地之灵,也不奉行先祖宗庙;却花费大量精力追求奇技淫巧。 he formed an alliance with Wenwang and assisted in the governance of Zhou. Two-thirds of the land submitted to Zhou, while one-third followed suit. As Wenwang's reign came to an end, he had not yet achieved his goal; Wuwang continued his father's unfinished business, working tirelessly each day. And so, at Mengjin, he held a grand assembly of eight hundred vassal states, uniting them against the treacherous Shang-Zhou king.

 On the morning of the jiazi day, the armies met in battle at Muye. The Shang forces defected and turned against their king, attacking him in a frenzy.

 Tearing at each other like rampaging bulls and goats, they shed such copious amounts of blood that the battlefield resembled a river of gore. Donning the attire of a farmer, symbolizing his withdrawal from war, Wuwang declared victory, thus bringing peace to the land. Zhou's accomplishments surpassed those of Shang-Tang, adding another illustrious chapter to the annals of history.

 At Huashan, the martial prowess of the Zhou forces was displayed; the valiant spirits of Zhou were enshrined on Mount Taibai, their names etched upon the Investiture of the Gods monument. Their positions were assigned according to their merits, and this tale became known as the "Investiture of the Gods", a legend passed down through generations.

 Shang-Tang was a descendant of the Yellow Emperor, surnamed Zi. In his early reign, he continued the good deeds of his ancestors; let us explore the origins of the Shang dynasty.

 During a sacrifice, Emperor Ku's second concubine, Jian Di, saw a mystical bird, a sign of good fortune, and she conceived a child. Jian Di gave birth to Qi, who served as a minister in the reigns of Tang Yao and Yu Shun. For his contributions to the education of the people, he was enfeoffed in Shang land. The line continued for thirteen generations until the time of Taiyi, who became known as Shang-Tang.

 Shang-Tang heard of a man named Yi Yin, who farmed in a field in the land of Youxin and admired the principles of Yao and Shun, recognizing him as a great sage. Shang-Tang sent messengers bearing gifts to invite Yi Yin three times, but Yi Yin declined, recommending himself instead to the emperor. When Emperor Jie of the Xia dynasty became tyrannical and listened only to slander, driving away his virtuous ministers, Yi Yin returned to Shang-Tang.

 Later, when Emperor Jie spent his days indulging in wine and killing loyal ministers, such as Guan Longfeng, the people dared not speak out. Shang-Tang sent messengers to mourn Guan Longfeng, which angered Emperor Jie, who imprisoned Shang-Tang in Xiatai. Later, Shang-Tang was released and returned to his kingdom.

 As Shang-Tang set out again for the border, he saw men spreading nets on all sides and praying: "May all that falls from the heavens, crawls from the earth, or comes from any direction fall into my nets!" Shang-Tang opened three sides of the nets, leaving only one direction open, and repeated the prayer: "Those who wish to go left, go left; those who wish to go right, go right; those who wish to go up, go up; those who wish to go down, go down. Only those who disobey shall be caught in my nets!" When the people of Annan heard of this, they said: "Shang-Tang's virtue extends even to the birds and beasts!" As a result, more than forty states surrendered to him.





