

guess /ɡes/ (verb)

Meaning: To form an opinion or give an answer about something without being sure of all the facts.

Example: "Can you guess where I've been?"

Translation: 你能猜出我去什么地方了吗?

inquire /ɪnˈkwaɪə(r)/ (verb)

Meaning: To ask for information about something.

Example: "He inquired about the job possibilities several times."

Translation: 他多次询问了工作机会的情况。

possibility /ˌpɒsəˈbɪləti/ (noun)

Meaning: A chance that something may happen or be true; an option or choice.

Plural: possibilities

know /nəʊ/ (verb)

Meaning: To have knowledge or understanding of something; to be familiar with something or someone.

Example: "They are unaware of their rights."

Translation: 他们不知道自己的权利。

observe /əbˈzɜːv/ (verb)

Meaning: To notice or perceive something; to watch somebody or something carefully.

Example: "You see, but you do not observe. You do not use your powers of deduction."

Translation: 你是在看,而不是在观察。你没有运用你的推理能力。

remember /rɪˈmembə(r)/ (verb)

Meaning: To bring back into the mind an event or piece of information from the past; to recall something.

Example: "I cannot recall her exact words."

Translation: 我记不清她的原话了。

settle /ˈset(ə)l/ (verb)

Meaning: To reach an agreement or solution to a dispute; to decide or arrange something finally; to make a place your permanent home.