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TCL发布2024旗舰电视X11H:万级分区QD-Mini LED引领画质新时代

3月6日,电视行业领军品牌TCL举办了"寰宇万象"QD-Mini LED 电视新品发布会,重磅推出了引领2024画质标准的领曜 QD-Mini LED 电视X11H、高性价比之选Mini LED 电视Q9K,以及再创巨幕传奇的TCL Micro LED巨幕电视163″X11H Max,以强大的产品阵容展现出其在电视领域的领先地位。


TCL X11H:14112分区+XDR 6500nits,打造2024画质天花板

作为TCL 2024年的旗舰之作,X11H在画质表现上达到了全新高度。其背光分区数量高达14112个,是目前全球唯一一款万级分区的百吋级量产Mini LED电视,能实现更加精准的控光,呈现出层次分明、细节丰富的震撼画面,引领行业进入Mini LED万级分区时代。


X11H的峰值亮度也达到了惊人的XDR 6500nits,超越了自然界大部分物体表面的亮度,能够真实还原自然光下的光影效果,带来更具沉浸感的观看体验。


全域光晕控制技术:完美解决Mini LED光晕难题

除了高分区和高亮度,TCL X11H还搭载了TCL全域光晕控制技术,从发光芯片、透镜技术、背光响应算法到OD和屏幕,全链路精准控光,彻底解决了Mini LED电视长期以来的光晕难题,被誉为“Mini LED光晕终结者”。




TCL自主研发的“控光灯塔”超聚光微透镜技术,能将光线精准控制在每个分区内,有效减少光晕现象,相比普通Mini LED,光晕控制能力提升96%,背光均匀性提升112%。




TCL X11H:2024画质天花板,重新定义行业旗舰

X11H在OD方面achieves unprecedented performance with its micro-OD technology, boasting the smallest Mini LED TV OD on the market. A smaller OD, which refers to the distance between the backlight and diffusion plate, translates to superior halo control and a slimmer TV profile. While OD values above 20mm struggle to effectively manage halos, X11H excels with an incredibly low 2mm OD. This not only allows for exceptional control over light blooming but also enables the creation of an incredibly thin and aesthetically pleasing design. The result is a breathtaking viewing experience with deep blacks, precisely defined details, and a mesmerizing starry night sky effect.


Further enhancing its visual prowess, the X11H utilizes the HVA A++ Butterfly Star Screen, TCL CSOT's premium VA panel. This pairing is ideal for Mini LED technology, offering a remarkable 7000:1 native contrast ratio for greater control over light output, deeper blacks, and faster response times. The addition of a low-reflection film minimizes environmental light interference, ensuring vibrant and detail-rich images even in brightly lit rooms.


X11H represents a comprehensive approach to exceptional picture quality. By combining the innovative six-crystal engine II, hyper-concentrated microlenses, instantaneous response technology, dual 16-bit processing, micro-OD, and the HVA A++ Butterfly Star Screen, it meticulously optimizes every stage of the image creation process. This meticulous attention to detail results in a truly groundbreaking viewing experience that effectively eliminates the halo effect commonly associated with Mini LED TVs. The claim of being the 2024 picture quality benchmark is not just marketing hype, but a testament to its technological prowess.


The X11H continues TCL's legacy of industry-leading quantum dot technology with a significant upgrade: the Quantal Dot Matrix Pro. Building on the already impressive DCI-P3 color gamut coverage of 98%, this new iteration boasts an expanded palette of 1.07 billion colors for truly lifelike visuals. Furthermore, it achieves a remarkable 95% screen color purity and a color accuracy rating of ΔE<0.99, ensuring vibrant and accurate colors that remain vibrant for up to 100,000 hours. The X11H delivers on its promise of "1 billion original colors, 10 years of brilliant color" for a captivating and long-lasting visual experience.


In addition to the powerful Lingyao M2 main chip, the X11H incorporates the independently developed TSR image quality processing chip. Powered by TCL's self-developed Quan Shi AI large model, this chip boasts industry-leading AI capabilities that enhance overall image quality through multi-dimensional adjustments. This results in a more natural and visually pleasing viewing experience meticulously calibrated to align with human visual perception.


Unparalleled Audiovisual Excellence: Onkyo Sound System and Ultra-Slim Design

Elevating the auditory experience, the TCL X11H boasts a 6.2.2 Hi-Fi audio system developed in partnership with Onkyo, a renowned name in audio equipment. This powerful system features 10 channels of hardware-level surround sound with a staggering 160W of power. Equipped with 12 independent speaker units and 5 audio processing chips, the X11H delivers an immersive audio experience that rivals a cinematic setting. The 360° star ring sound field, coupled with dual-drive subwoofers, further enhance the depth and clarity of sound, making every scene come alive with incredible detail and realism, even in spacious living areas.

The X11H's sleek and modern design is a testament to TCL's commitment to both form and function. Thanks to the groundbreaking 2mm micro-OD and seamless one-piece construction, the TV achieves an incredibly slim profile, embodying true "flat-panel thinness." The absence of bulky protrusions further emphasizes its elegant design, allowing it to blend seamlessly into any environment. The back of the TV features a captivating "starry sky" texture, and the classic layered bezel design adds a touch of sophistication. These subtle design elements come together to create a truly breathtaking centerpiece that seamlessly integrates into any contemporary living space..


The TCL X11H is a triumph of engineering and design, pushing the boundaries of what's possible in a flagship television. Its exceptional picture quality, immersive audio, sleek design, and intuitive user experience solidify its position as a true industry leader, redefining the standards for premium home entertainment.

TCL Q9K: The Ultimate Value Mini LED TV of 2024

Alongside the top-of-the-line X11H, TCL introduces the Q9K, a Mini LED marvel designed to make cutting-edge technology accessible to a wider audience. This latest iteration represents a significant leap forward from its predecessor, the Q10G Pro. The Q9K boasts substantial upgrades across six key areas:


These enhancements culminate in a truly exceptional viewing experience that redefines value in the Mini LED market. The Q9K has rightfully earned its title as the "most worthwhile Mini LED TV of 2024," making premium picture quality and features attainable for discerning viewers.


TCL Q9K在分区上大幅升级,55吋、65吋、75吋的分区分别从480、576、720提升至720、1008、1248,而85吋和98吋的分区全部从896、1344提升至1536,控光能力更细腻。它的峰值亮度超越行业同价位HDR 1200nits的水平,Q9K成倍领先,达到了XDR 2400nits,展现更丰富多彩的画面细节,还原高质量影视内容,画质同价位中遥遥领先。


值得一提的是,Q9K同样采用了全球领先的TCL全域光晕控制技术,运用六晶方芯、光学影像微透镜、与X11H相同的瞬态响应和双向16bit两项背光响应算法、最适合Mini LED的VA屏——A++广角超显屏,多维度控制光晕,带来更接近自然的画质体验。


色彩显示方面,Q9K远超行业水平。它搭载高端旗舰产品才有的量子点技术,还是升级版的量子点Pro 2024,采用全新四元量子晶体Pro,不仅覆盖DCI-P3标准下的98%高色域值,还拥有95%的超高全屏色纯度,色准ΔE<0.99,寿命可达10万小时不褪色,真正实现10亿原色屏,10年好色彩。






其他软硬件配置上,Q9K同样全面拉满,采用全通道4K 144Hz的高刷解决方案、领曜芯片M2和TXR Mini LED画质增强芯片、4GB+128GB的内存组合、4路HDMI2.1的接口、最高配的WiFi 6无线模块,搭载与X11H同款的灵控桌面,剔除烦人的开机广告,真正做到360°无死角的顶级产品力,远超同价位Mini LED 电视。


Micro LED巨幕电视163 ″X11H Max,领航超大屏电视时代

发布会上惊喜亮相的TCL Micro LED巨幕电视163 ″X11H Max是一款足以颠覆电视行业的重量级新品,它实现163吋超大巨幕,同时基于领先的Micro LED显示技术,拥有2488万多颗无机RGB自发光芯片、10000nits超高峰值亮度、无穷大的对比度和10万小时以上的超长寿命、纳秒级的响应速度、22bit+色深、超低反射率等硬核技术,全面提升画质水准。音质方面,它拥有6.2.2超高的音响配置,还赠送一套7.1.4,共12声道的音响系统。


至此,TCL的豪宅顶配巨幕电视阵营已成型,巨幕电视163 ″X11H Max定制尊享价799999元,全球最大QD-Mini LED电视115“X11G Max售价79999元。


而备受瞩目的2024画质天花板TCL X11H提供85吋、98吋两种尺寸,85吋首发预约惊喜价27999元,98吋首发预约惊喜价44999元,3月6日在全渠道正式开启预售。Q9K的定价更是让质性价比拉满,与Q10G Pro相比,配置提升6项,价格却全面降级,预售期间,98吋、85吋、75吋、65吋、55吋实际到手价分别为:17999元、8999元、6999元、5499元和4199元。Q9K全网预售同样是3月6日,正式开售时间为3月14日晚8点。

作为全球顶尖电视品牌,TCL在Mini LED和超大屏领域已确立优势地位。2024年推出的X11H行业画质天花板、Q9K Mini LED电视和163" Micro LED巨幕电视X11H Max巩固了TCL的领导地位。这标志着中国电视品牌在尖端显示技术上的重大突破,有望成为2024年Mini LED和超大屏电视市场的最大赢家。
