vivace读音 muzio clementi 发音

музыкальныйе терминология итальянского языка - русский язык

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_Adagietto_ Очень медленный темп
_Adagio_ Медленный темп, спокойно
_Andante (And)"_ Умеренно медленный темп
_Andantino_ Чуть быстрее, чем Andante
_Largo_ Широкий, медленный темп
_Larghetto_ Чуть быстрее, чем Largo
_Meno mosso_ Чуть медленнее
_Moderato_ Умеренный темп
_Poco ad poco_ Постепенно
_Presto_ Быстрый темп
_Prestissimo_ Очень быстрый темп
_Tempo primo_ Возврат к первоначальному темпу
_Accelerando=accel_ Ускорение темпа
_A tempo_ Возврат к первоначальному темпу
_Ritardando=rit._ Рит (ускорение темпа)
_Rallentando=Rall._ Замедление темпа
_Vivo_ Быстро, оживленно

Громкость, Динамика

_Piano (p)_ Тихо
_Pianissimo (pp)_ Очень тихо
_Mezzo Piano (mp)_ Умеренно тихо
_Forte (f)_ Громко
_Fortissimo (ff)_ Очень громко
_Crescendo (cresc)_ Усиление
_Decrescendo (decresc)_ Ослабление
_Diminuendo (dim)_ Ослабление
_Fortepiano (fp)_ С акцентом
_Sforzando (sf)_ С акцентом
_Rinforzando_ Усиление
_Smorsando_ Постепенное ослабление, затухание

Выражение, Эмоции

_Accarezzevole_ Любящий; Утешающий
_Affabile_ Мягкий
_Animato_ Анимированный
_Con brio_ С блеском
_Dolente_ Скорбный, Жалобный
_Dramatico_ Драматический
_Maestoso_ Величественный
_Marziale_ Маршеобразный 意式音乐術語:情感与氛围的交响

Elegance: 宛如清风拂面,尽显优雅与潇洒。

Elegiaco: 哀婉低回,如泣如诉的挽歌。

Elevato: soaring to sublime heights, evoking awe and grandeur.

Energico: Pulses with vitality and energy.

Fastoso: Resplendent and majestic, radiating grandeur.

Espressivo (espr): Overflowing with emotion, a heartfelt outpouring.

Fiaccamente: Delicate and fragile, lacking in strength.

Fiero: Proud and resolute, imbued with a fiery passion.

Flessibile: Adaptable and flowing, like a gentle breeze.

Frescamente: Fresh and vibrant, brimming with youthful energy.

Fuocoso: Igniting the soul with fiery passion and intensity.

Gioiante: Radiating pure joy, a celebration of happiness.

Generoso: Noble and magnanimous, a spirit of generosity and kindness.

Giusto: Precise and balanced, finding the perfect equilibrium.

Grandioso: A majestic spectacle, awe-inspiring in its grandeur.

Imitando: Mirroring the essence, capturing the essence through imitation.

Indifferenza: A veil of indifference, detached and unconcerned.

Innig [德]: Profoundly moving, resonating deep within the soul.

Infantile: Childlike innocence and wonder, a glimpse into youthful naivety.

Irato: Blazing with fury, consumed by anger and rage.

Innocente: Pure and untainted, radiating innocence and simplicity.

Inquielo: Restless and uneasy, a sense of disquiet and apprehension.

Largamente: Broad and expansive, encompassing a vast emotional landscape.

Leggiere: Light and airy, a delicate dance of notes.

Luttuoso: Drenched in sorrow, expressing profound grief and mourning.

Maestoso: A regal presence, commanding respect and admiration.

Marcato: Emphasized with purpose, each note resonating with added weight.

Marziale: Marching to the beat, a bold and spirited rhythm.

Mormorando: Whispers and murmurs, secrets shared in hushed tones.

Mesto: A melancholic introspection, tinged with sadness and longing.

Misterioso: Shrouded in enigma, an air of mystery and intrigue.

Netto: Crisp and clear, each note defined with precision.

Nobile: Noble and dignified, imbued with grace and refinement.

Pacatamente: Serene and tranquil, a sanctuary of peace and quietude.

Parlante: A conversational flow, notes that seem to speak and tell a story.

Pastorale: Idyllic and serene, evoking the peacefulness of the countryside.

Patetico: Heart-wrenching and poignant, a deeply moving lament.

Pesante: Weighing heavily on the soul, burdened with gravity and sorrow.

Piacevole: Delightful and charming, a source of joy and pleasure.

Placido: Calm and serene, like the stillness of a tranquil lake.

Pomposo: Opulent and magnificent, a display of extravagance and splendor.

Ponderoso: Powerful and impactful, leaving a lasting impression.

Posato: Steady and composed, a beacon of stability and composure.

Pressante: Urgent and insistent, a sense of pressing forward with determination.

Risoluto: Determined and resolute, unwavering in its conviction.

Riposato: Peaceful and restful, inviting relaxation and contemplation.

Rustico: Rustic charm and simplicity, a taste of the countryside.

Scherzando: Playful and lighthearted, a moment of musical jest and merriment.

Sciolto: Free-flowing and effortless, a seamless cascade of musical ideas.

Sdegnoso: Scornful and disdainful, infused with indignation and contempt.

Soave: Sweet and gentle, a tender caress of sound.

Smania: Unbridled passion and frenzy, a whirlwind of emotions.

Smorfioso: Affected and pretentious, characterized by exaggerated mannerisms.

Sognando: Dreamlike and ethereal, lost in a world of imagination.

Solennemente: Solemn and dignified, a tribute to reverence and respect.

Sonoro: Resonant and full-bodied, a rich tapestry of sound.

Sostenuto: Sustained with intention, prolonging the sound and emotion.

Sotto voce: Hushed and intimate, whispered secrets shared between hearts.

Spirito: Spirited and animated, filled with vitality and enthusiasm.

Strappando: With forceful conviction, each note imbued with intensity and power.

Teneramente: Tender and affectionate, expressing warmth and love.

Timoroso: Timid and apprehensive, trembling with fear and uncertainty.

Tosto: Swift and decisive, a sense of urgency and immediacy.

Tranquillo: Peaceful and serene, a moment of perfect calm and tranquility.

Trionfante: Victorious and triumphant, a celebration of achievement and glory.

Tumultuoso: Turbulent and chaotic, a whirlwind of sound and emotion.

Veloce: Swift and agile, a rapid flow of musical ideas.

Vezzoso: Charming and graceful, imbued with beauty and elegance.

Vigoroso: Full of vigor and energy, a powerful and dynamic force.

Violentemente: Wild and unrestrained, a torrent of raw emotion.

Vivente: Lively and animated, brimming with life and vitality.

Vivido: Vibrant and evocative, painting a vivid musical picture.

Zeffiroso: Light and gentle as a zephyr, a delicate whisper of sound.