博得的意思 博得之博是什么意思




1. Busboy 餐馆勤杂工

错误理解:公交车售票员 ✖

☞ He was a busboy, a dishwasher, a caterer and a manager.


注: 餐馆勤杂工曾被称为 "omnibus boys"。 "Omnibus" 这个词源于拉丁语,意思是 "包括所有",因为 "omnibus boys" 负责餐馆中所有的杂务。

2. Busybody 爱管闲事的人

错误理解:大忙人 ✖

☞ Some busybody has been reporting my conduct on a certain day.


3. Dry goods 纺织品

错误理解:干货 ✖

☞ The floor was stacked high with bales of dry goods.


4. Sporting house 妓院(旧语)

错误理解:体育室 ✖

☞ In this novel a Samson-like boxer is lured to a sporting house by a blonde femme fatale and drugged.


5. Dead president 美钞(俚语)

错误理解:死了的总统 ✖

☞ I need some dead presidents.


注: 该词的用法源于美元上的已故美国总统肖像,一般黑人在街头做交易时会用这个词。

6. Senior citizen 老年人

错误理解:高级公民 ✖

☞ Many senior citizens' pensions are not enough for them to live decent lives.


7. Wash one's hands 上厕所

错误理解:洗手 ✖

☞ Where can I wash my hands?


注: 这个委婉表达属于美国用法,如果在欧洲这么问,别人可能会直接理解为字面意思。类似的表达还有,Where can I powder my nose? 英式英语中,spend a penny 可以作为 "上厕所" 的委婉语。

又及: wash one's hands of something / someone 表示金盆洗手,和某事、某人断绝关系。

8. A black sheep 害群之马

错误理解:黑羊 ✖

☞ She was the black sheep of the family.


9. Pull someone's leg 开玩笑,愚弄某人

错误理解:拖后腿 ✖

☞ Stop pulling my leg – you didn't have lunch with Bono!


10. Eat one's words 收回前言,改正错话

错误理解:食言 ✖

☞ I'll make you eat your words.


11. Mad doctor 精神病科医生

错误理解:疯医生 ✖

☞ He is a mad doctor.


12. Eleventh hour 最后时刻

错误理解:第十一个小时 ✖

☞ She always turned her term papers in at the eleventh hour.


注: 典出《圣经》,有个阔人雇工人干活,早上五点就开始雇,雇到最后一个人时已经是夜里很晚了。干完活后付工钱,大早上来的和夜里十一点来的都一视同仁地得到了一枚银币。

13. Personal remark 人身攻击

错误理解:个人评论 ✖

☞ Did you have to make such a personal remark about her new haircut?


14. Confidence man 骗子

错误理解:信得过的人 ✖

☞ Many childhood experiences teach Felix how to be a confidence man.


注: confidence 作形容词有 "欺骗的" 之义

15. Horse sense 实用常识(口语)

错误理解:马的感觉 ✖

☞ Bob is no scholar but he has a lot of horse sense.


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16. Capital idea 好主意

❌ 假英语:资本主义思想

☞ “Hmm, a capital idea! Unfortunately, we have our own quest we have been charged to complete.”

✅ 妙极了!可惜我们还有自己的任务要完成。

💡 小贴士: capital 作形容词有“一流的,极好的”之义

17. Green hand 新手

❌ 假英语:绿手

☞ “There is a great need for such programmes in the region to develop nationals from green hand to any level as future for the nation.”

✅ 该地区急需这类项目,将国民从新手培养成国家未来所需的各级人才。

18. Have a fit 勃然大怒

❌ 假英语:试穿

☞ “My mother had a fit when she saw the mess we'd made.”

✅ 看到我们弄得一团糟,妈妈气坏了。

19. Out of juice 没电了

❌ 假英语:没有果汁了

☞ “My laptop's out of juice. This is so frustrating.”

✅ 我的笔记本电脑没电了。真烦人。

20. Red tape (官僚作风的)繁文缛节

❌ 假英语:红色带子

☞ “We are removing the red tape that makes it difficult for our offices to help veterans get the care they need and deserve.”

✅ 我们正在简化各种繁文缛节,以便退伍军人能够更便捷地获得他们需要和应得的照顾。

21. China policy 对华政策

❌ 假英语:中国政策

☞ “What's Trump's China policy?”

✅ 特朗普的对华政策是什么?

22. The (hand)writing on the wall 不祥之兆

❌ 假英语:大字报

☞ “The residents can see the writing on the wall and realize that if they don't cooperate with the police, these crimes will continue.”

✅ 居民们已经觉察到了不祥之兆,意识到如果他们不与警方合作,犯罪活动还会继续发生。

💡 小贴士: 典出《圣经》,巴比伦王伯沙撒曾设盛宴款待贵族朋友,席间做出了亵渎神灵之举。突然一只隐形大手出现,在宫殿墙壁上书写古怪信息,不久巴比伦王就被杀了。

23. Bring down the house 博得满堂喝彩

❌ 假英语:推倒房子

☞ “Karen's act brought the house down.”

✅ 凯伦的表演赢得了满堂彩。

24. Yellow book 黄皮书(法国等国家的政府报告书,以黄纸为封)

❌ 假英语:黄色书籍

☞ “The Hungarian government issues a Yellow Book in which it details its charges of treason.”

✅ 匈牙利政府发布了一份政府报告,详细说明了对叛国罪的指控。

25. Bluestocking 女学究,女才子(常含贬义)

❌ 假英语:蓝色长筒袜

☞ “The bluestocking paused and looked round the circle of interested faces.”

✅ 这位女学究停顿了一下,环顾四周那一张张兴趣盎然的脸庞。

💡 小贴士: 18 世纪 50 年代,伦敦有一群上流社会的男女在家里以文会友,谈论文艺,他们衣着简朴以示对晚礼服的厌恶。其中有个叫本杰明·斯蒂林费利特的人常穿蓝色绒长袜,后来这群人就被称为“蓝长袜俱乐部”或“蓝长袜”。此后,bluestocking 就用来指附庸风雅或卖弄学问的女人。

26. Indian summer 小阳春时节;愉快宁静的晚年

❌ 假英语:印度的夏日

☞ “The book describes the last 20 years of Churchill's life, including his Indian summer as prime minister between 1951 and 1955.”

✅ 这本书描述了丘吉尔生命中最后的 20 年,包括他 1951 年至 1955 年担任首相的那段平静的晚年。

27. Greek gift 害人的礼物

❌ 假英语:希腊礼物

☞ “One should always beware of a Greek gift.”

✅ 人们应该时刻提防那些别有用心的礼物。

💡 小贴士: 特洛伊战争中,希腊人久攻特洛伊不下,最后使出“木马计”——由 20 名希腊勇士藏进木马里。特洛伊人以为这是希腊人敬神的“祭品”,就把它当作战利品拖进城来。不想,到半夜,木马里的希腊人与城外大军里应外合,一举摧毁了特洛伊城。

28. Spanish athlete 爱吹牛的人

❌ 假英语:西班牙的运动员

☞ “He is a Spanish athlete.”

✅ 他是个吹牛大王。

💡 小贴士: 16 世纪西班牙建立了世界上最强大的海军,号称天下无敌、坚不可摧,不料被英国一举打败。从此英国人开始嘲笑西班牙人好吹牛。随后又嘲笑西班牙运动员最能吹牛。说他们常常赛前夸下海口,发誓夺冠,可常以失败告终,终于落下“爱吹牛皮”的恶名。

29. In one's birthday suit 赤身裸体

❌ 假英语:穿着生日礼服

✅ 一丝不挂

☞ I guess he had no idea I was home. I walked into the living room and there he was, standing in the buff.



30. Think highly of someone 高看或者看中某人

假英语:为某人想得很多 ✖

☞ The teacher thinks highly of Mary and her talents.


31. You can say that again 说得好,我同意

假英语:你可以再说一遍 ✖

☞ A: That was an absolutely delicious lunch. B: You can say that again!

A: 这顿饭太好吃了。B: 我同意。

32. Have the heart to do 忍心做(用于否定句 )

假英语:有心做 ✖

☞ I didn't have the heart to tell her that I didn't love her anymore.


33. What a shame! 多可惜,真遗憾!

假英语:多可耻 ✖

☞ A: The cake is ruined! B: What a shame!

A: 蛋糕被弄坏了! B: 真可惜!

34. See through you 看穿你的把戏(俚语)

假英语:知道你的号码 ✖

☞ You can't fool me, I see through you – you're never going to pay me back.


35. Drama queen 小题大做的人

假英语:戏剧女王 ✖

☞ A: Oh, it's raining and my new hairdo is ruined! All those hours in the hairdresser for nothing!


B: Don't be such a drama queen. Here, take my umbrella.
